Post tension
It is a method of stretching high strength steel strands used to strengthen the post tensioning concrete against tensile forces after the concrete pouring process.
What are the Advantages of Post tension Systems?
Very large spans can be crossed using the post tensioning method. This situation facilitates the work of architects and engineers and enables projects with different architectural and aesthetic geometries that seem very difficult to do.
With the post tensioning system, the number of columns and beams in the project is reduced.
Since the amount of concrete and iron required in the project will be reduced, the dead weight of the floor as well as the total building weight will decrease.
Construction time is shortened.
It provides a significant advantage in terms of economy.
Since the total building weight is reduced, the seismic forces acting on the structure during an earthquake decrease. In this way, the structure exhibits a better performance against earthquakes.Since steel post tensioning strands are covered with grout in sheaths, no corrosion problems occur.
Deflections are under control in post-tensioned systems.
Crack formation in concrete is reduced.
The rigidity of the structure increases.
How is posttensioning applied?
- Ducts are placed inside the reinforcements before the concrete is poured.
- After the concrete is poured, the post-tensioning strands are threading into the ducts.
- Using hydraulic jacks, the steel strands are stressed under the pressure forces calculated during the project phase.
- After the tensioning process, the post tensioning stands are cut.
- Special cement grout is placed under pressure from the vents placed in the sleeves before.